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19 Dec 2022 | 15:00

The benefits of wireless charging for your business devices

warehouse worker scanning boxes

Though wireless charging has been around since the late 19th century, it’s only been in the past decade or so that wireless charging has increased in popularity. Today, in partnership with Datalogic, we will explore the different types of wireless charger available on the market, how they work and their benefits. 

How do wireless chargers work? 

There are three types of wireless charging currently available on the market; charging pads, charging bowls, and uncoupled radio frequency (RF) chargers. The most common of the three is the charging pad, or charging surface. 

Charging pads

Used both domestically and commercially, the charging pad uses tightly-coupled electromagnetic, induction, coil in the charging base, which creates an electromagnetic field. This acts like an antenna which transmits a field of energy which is received by the second, smaller, coil in the device. The coil in the device then absorbs the energy and converts it into usable energy for the battery.

Charging bowls

Charging bowls are an emerging technology which rely primarily on radiative electromagnetic resonant charging. Wireless charging bowls allow device users to charge multiple devices at a time. Simply pop your phone, headphones, wearable devices and tags into the bowl and they all start to charge.

Charging docks 

Wireless charging docks work in a similar way to that of charging pads and charging bowls. Rather than laying the device on the pad or in the bowl, your device is placed within the dock and held securely in place. This reduces the risk of a device not charging due to misplacement or getting knocked during the charging process. Just like pads and mats, wireless charging docks don’t have any charging contacts that need to be cleaned, or are at risk of getting bent or damaged. They also often feature a locking mechanism to prevent unauthorised use, theft, or accidental loss; a benefit that pads and bowls simply do not offer. In addition, charging docks can also function as smart docks and can upload or download data as needed during the charging process. 

Uncoupled radio frequency chargers

Radio frequency (RF) wireless charging uses electromagnetic waves, not induced magnetic fields like charging pads and bowls. RF chargers work in a similar way to your wi-fi router; sending signals to your computer and smartphone to connect you to the internet. To charge your device, RF charging uses frequencies to send power from the charger to the receiver. This is then converted into the power source to charge your device! RF chargers are still very much emerging technology, but are likely to become more popular over the coming years. 

What are the benefits of wireless chargers? 

Aside from making you feel like you’re in a sci-fi movie, there are many benefits to wireless charging including, but not limited to: 

  • Increases security while heavily used devices are charging

  • Reduces the need for multiple wires, chargers, and adapters

  • Eliminates damage to delicate pins and ports

  • Faster charging reduces downtime and periods of low productivity 

Let’s explore some of these in more detail. 

Increased security

Popping your device on a pad and walking away might seem like a risky thing to do. With high levels of footfall in industrial and retail settings, it doesn’t take much for a device to get knocked loose or lost. Datalogic have taken this into consideration and have created a wireless charger that offers both performance, and security. The charging dock supplied with the Memor 20 rugged android mobile computer has a unique locking function that secures the device against unauthorised use, loss or theft. In addition to this, wired data transfer is available on all Smart Docks to meet the needs of users who need USB or ethernet communication on the docks. 

No need for multiple adapters

With multiple devices also comes the need for multiple chargers. This device can only be charged using USB C, that one needs a lightning adapter, while that one needs a specific dock and, of course, there’s only one in the whole building. Wireless charging pads negate the need for multiple, and specific, charging cables or docks, which is especially useful when you have multiple devices. Take, for example, the Datalogic Skorpio X5 rugged mobile computer; a highly popular computer used across warehouses, shop floors, manufacturing floors and logistics facilities. These devices will be in constant use and are likely to need frequent, short, bursts of charge. Rather than scrambling for a cable to fit their device, using the smart docks allows device users to charge quickly, and conveniently, at any dock. 

Reduces damage of more delicate areas of devices

In commercial environments, the widespread use of wireless chargers can drastically reduce damage to devices leading to downtime. A wireless charging system eliminates battery contacts and pins which get filled with dust and debris, and can get bent and broken over time. Due to the necessity of charging, this removes a key point of failure for devices such as barcode scanners used in industrial and retail functions. For those who work in the healthcare industry, wireless charging also protects devices against the harsh disinfectants used to maintain sterility. There’s no risk of oxidation from contacts that haven’t been wiped dry after cleaning; extending the life of devices significantly. For those who may be using and relying on devices such as the Datalogic Memor 10 in their day-to-day life, this is a real game-changer. 

How fast is wireless charging? 

Wireless charging is just as fast as using a standard pin or plug charger. In some cases, wireless charging can even be faster. Wireless chargers, like those from Datalogic, often have fast charging capabilities which can deliver 80 minutes of device use on just a 15-minute charge. This reduces the amount of downtime as a result of poor charging hygiene, allowing workers to get back to their tasks. 

In summary, the benefits of wireless charging

In summary, the benefits of wireless charging include, but are not limited to: 

  • Less strain and damage caused to contacts, pins, cables and ports

  • Fast charging capabilities; perfect for heavy device users 

  • Eliminates the need for tangles of wires and multiple charging adapter

  • Increases product life by protecting more fragile charging contacts

  • Reduces the frequency of connector cleaning and maintenance

  • Improved charging reliability and reduces downtime

Interested in learning more about how wireless charging capabilities from the likes of Datalogic could help your team be more productive? Get in touch with us today! 

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