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31 May 2019 | 13:33

AI in Healthcare


Artificial intelligence could transform and future- proof healthcare in the UK

The increasing use if artificial intelligence in medicine is taking strides towards re shaping healthcare and future- proofing the health service. ²

The UK is currently taking on a pilot program with 500,000 people being remotely monitored after discharge with AI to monitor vital signs such as respiratory rate, oxygen levels, pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature. ³

Not every area of healthcare is suitable for AI, such as medical imaging. AI isn’t likely to make that much of an impact because the area of diagnosis from medical images is complex, completed by highly specialised experts in the field. However, in smaller, more personal aspects of healthcare, AI’s impact can be huge as these decisions do not warrant the attention of a skilled clinician. Taking prescriptions properly and on time, following an exercise and diet regimen and reducing stress can all be aided by AI technologies in the home and vastly improve health as well as potentially prevent adverse health events. ¹

The National Health Service pilot program has analysed the patient data, including respiratory rates and oxygen levels, in real time. It found hospital readmission rates are down and emergency room visits have been reduced. Furthermore, the need for costly home visits has dropped by 22%, and longer term, adherence to treatment plans have increased to 96%, compared to the industry average of 50%.³

Whilst home health monitoring itself isn’t new, AI is set up perfectly to manage large populations and monitor large volumes of data in these programs in health systems. By deploying AI the NHS program is not only able to scale up in the UK, but also internationally. The US is now testing in New York as part of an effort to reduce patient readmissions, which costs US hospitals about $40 billion annually. ³

The early success of these efforts highlights three key lessons in using AI to address non- consumption in the new world of patient- centric healthcare: 

1) Focus on impacting critical metrics- for example, reducing costly hospital readmission rates.

2) Reduce risk by relying on new kinds of partners

3) Use AI to collaborate, not compete, with highly- trained professionals. ³

Whilst AI cannot be suitable for every area of healthcare, there is potential to provide a clear path in efficiently harnessing it for this industry. It is believed that one of the transformative benefits of AI in healthcare will be deepening relationships between health providers and patients.

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¹ Baxter, A. (2019). Where AI can have the biggest impact in healthcare—and where it can’t. [online] AI in Healthcare. Available at: [Accessed 30 May 2019].
² Buckland, D. (2019). Artificial intelligence in medicine will transform patient care. [online] Raconteur. Available at: [Accessed 30 May 2019].
³ Miyashita, M. and Brady, M. (2019). The Health Care Benefits of Combining Wearables and AI. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at: [Accessed 30 May 2019]. 

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